Thursday, April 22, 2010

Blah Blah Blah Generation

"Whats that?"
"The stale ongoing push of capitalism, the defying reign of flow. Continuous and ever expanding populations. We've got systems for crowd control that range from traffic lights to riot police."
"Yeah, things are continually being regulated. Jesus, look at bittorrent. Rampant cultural expectations for exposure and financial ruin.
"And yet, Gene I think... Wait. What are you doing?"
"What do you mean? I'm listening to you..."
"Don't sip your coffee while we're talking about existential awakenings. You're always doing that.
"We're having a talk about regularity and here you are participating in it. Robot!"
"Well, it tastes good, and I need it because I love caffinene more than I love my own wife. Does that sum up reasoning for you... No. Don't go into some ramble about breaching passion..."
"You asshole. The minute I try to express my dissatisfaction with it all I've got someone just mocking me. That's what I hate about our generation. We've got nothing but regulated cultural norms. Hipsters are branded more than any other subculture, preppy morons are still just jocked pretty morons. Feminism doesn't know what the fuck it's doing anymore because of that goddamn Mad Men show. Sometimes I wish I could have been there for 1968 just so I knew what it felt like to be part of a rebellious crowd. The most rampant spread of cultural backlash is in the form of digitized property that is made up of nothing. I feel like we're physically numbed from the plight of dealing with our existence. Coffee and cigarettes. Pot and film. When was the last time you actually saw a full starry night? Better yet, when was the last time you actually enjoyed someone's company...
"I really can't recall..."
"Exactly, and fuck your reference to this. I hate those assholes and bigots who think lecturing is some form of preaching. Do what you want with your life. Participate in the system. You've got your rights, even when only half of them exist in practice. Sometimes I just sit and feel useless being quiet with my thoughts, I've got to have some way of expelling them.
"People are people, Gene. You can't just expect the best out of everyone to follow suit with your rampage of objections. Fucking Joe Schmo has to feed the kids, his family. he's got the pressure of his past, his father his mother. Grappling with his existence and what it all means doesn't interest him. People are impatient enough these days, but most of them want to buy into the system because they don't want to object or don't see a way of starting how, except without pulling out an AK. God what a piece of historic gluttony.
"What does..."
"I'm being smothered by society, I want to be an individual."
"You can be, look at you now.... you narcissistic prick."
"I don't even like this, I don't even like you. I wake up every morning hoping for that magically bullshit that everyone seems to pray for. Why do I even think about that? Is false hope just acceptable nowadays?"
"So what do you want to do about it? Write a blog? A column? Train in the army and bloody yourself in the hands of someone you've never met? Venture into political debauchery? Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. Have a good day, here's your cup of tea, here's your low-fucking fat latte. Wear this accessory, wear this ring. God help me. I love it. Confessing to shit like this makes studying philosophy in university seem like reverting to a cult."
"We should always do this much coke."
"I can't believe in it."
"The system."
"Oh,... You mean about your choices. Should they be consistent based on your values or should be stretch realistic scenarios in order to accommodate your curiosity? Ah... So we're all just lying to ourselves."
"Yes and no."
"Fuck those who aren't conscious of themselves. Self-reflection is something everyone is capable of."
"And the it's those kind of remarks I can't stand. What are you saying?"
"I'm saying that people are lazy."
"In a world of 5 billion people, there are lazy people, but don't we have to account for all of those who haven't been able to object simply by their upbringing. We have all of this North American emphasis on parental responsibility, can't it also just be related to government belief structures? What about him?"
"The guy that's been staring at you ever since we got here."
"He's probably pissed because we're making so much noise."
"Should be involved him?"
"Sure. LEt's see what he thinks about structures. Maybe he'll be able to contain his interest instead of drinking coffee."
"We noticed you sitting and staring... at me specifically."
"I was just thinking about what you said about action... well... choice that is. I consider myself to be a burnout, completely and utterly unable to function on any level once I come home. I drink profusely and... Those wide doors are closing."
"Dunno. I thought it was a song. Maybe I'm just tired."
"That's likely."
"Can I ask you something. Because my friend and I were talking and then I wondered if you felt like your choices were in complete disarray."
"Not at all.. I chose all of this. From when I got my car to when I married, to when I had children, to when I decided to get that TV. I feel like I'm in complete control. At least I did. Now hearing you two rambling on about the great iron cuffs of society has depressed me and helped me regain my lost aptitude for self-reflection. So thanks a lot."
"Oww! Fuck you sir. Unnecessary."
"Completely the contrary."
"You two don't understand. People dno't want to think, they want immediate benefit sought through systems that are assured. They want wealth before everything and then they want everything."

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