Thursday, November 19, 2009

could there be ANY reason I would want to write a blog when people I know say it's just an attention grabber

I assume you are reading this, so my point above is rather hypocritical. I don't know what to think about the whole blogging world. I don't feel a sense of entitlement when i write these things. People are free to express their stupid ideas why not just allow them to voice them in a blog where they can find an audience or just solace in the wonderful purging of mindless dribble?

I'm a fanatic movie fan, so it would make sense to just write movie reviews. I'm thinking of holding off the job until The Road comes out. It's one of my all time favourite novels, and of course, it encompasses my greatest fear: nuclear war. Don't be fooled by the pathetic advertisements positing the disaster as some kind of natural happening. It's about the end of civilization due to the actions of humanity. That theme of survival and death are the very points the book points out so well, so you can imagine my dismay at seeing the marketing expand needlessly in those 'other' directions. I'm sure it's a ploy to ensure that all forms of disasters will tap into variety of audiences. You know, the idiots who think nuclear war is something talked about enough during the heights of the cold war in the late 50s and mid-80s and why should disaster on a large scale interest people? But those fellas play a numbers game, statistically I'm sure they'll nab another couple thousand viewers because the storyline hints at "global warming" which is a hot topic... or at least it was two years ago.

Anyway. I emplore you, oh humble and courageous reader, to pick up Cormac McCarthy's The Road. Yes it's a dark and disturbing tale, but one of hope and the desire to defeat the call of death that would be so easy to yield to.

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